Saturday, September 14, 2013

Modifying software for fun and music, part 2

Author's Note: Whew! I've been on a long hiatus from posting. This post in particular is a long-overdue follow-up to an experiment where I documented my foray into deciphering and modifying a particular piece of open source software as I went along. Unlike that post, the following is compiled from notes made during the process. Enjoy!

Last time we left off with having added the ability to specify multiple songs from the command line. However, the last song in the list was getting truncated several seconds early. Also, m4a (AAC) files were not playing at all. Finally, after further testing it came to light that mono MP3 files were not playing correctly. Read on for my notes on treating each of these issues, and finally the output of diff on the original code and my changes, if you're so inclined to use them!